Connections Apps

Powerful Extensions for HCL Connections

Apps, Assets & Services for Connections

With TIMETOACT GROUP presents the latest applications for HCL Connections. We are a long HCL partner with major investments into HCL Connections assets, products and services. We love HCL Connections for all it’s possibilities and it’s ease of use. Learn more about the different products:

HCL announces monthly fixes for Connections

HCL has announced that there will be a new update strategy for Connections starting May 01, 2021. Therefore, starting in May, there will be monthly fixes for software issues reported by HCL Connections 7.0 customers.

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Chatbot for HCL Connections

Take some work off your IT department’s shoulders by introducing a chatbot with Natural Language Understanding. We support you with your expertise!


Confluence Integration Widget

We continue to improve the idea of a central Digital Workplace platform and are now able to combine Atlassian Confluence with HCL Connections and HCL Connections Engagement Center.


CAT – Connections Administration Toolkit

Simplify the administration of HCL Connections with this easy to install and easy to use web interface tool. We are at your service when it comes to CAT Connections Administration Toolkit!


CxO Connect for HCL Connections

CxO Connect enables a direct communication channel between the Executive Board and employees and thus serves as a voice for the Executive Board members as well as the employees.


HCL Connections Engagement Center

HCL Connections Engagement Center is the engagement solution of the future. Thanks to our uniquely functional one-platform approach, it unites a company and boosts its efficiency in an unprecedented way.

Logo HCL Software Business Partner

HCL – GDPR compliant Connections & Domino Hosting

Benefit from TIMETOACT's and edcom's extensive HCL Know-How. We offer services regarding products as HCL Connections Social, HCL Connections Engagement Center and more!


Huddo Badges

Huddo Badges can transform and accelerate organisations usage of HCL Connections by encouraging users to leverage the full capability of social enterprise.


Huddo Boards

Imagine if you could drag and drop your Tasks and Entries within Activities as progress and circumstances change. Huddo Boards has been designed to do this and a whole lot more!


Jira Integration Widgets – for HCL Connections

With our Integration Center we have built the basis for the fast, easy and seamless integration of other applications and platforms into the HCL Connections Engagement Center.


Leap Widgets

Leap is a great platform for creating and running applications. Leap features a graphical user interface to create and layout forms. Fields can easily be added by drag and drop and you can edit properties by a single click. Creating a form is a matter of minutes.


Lunch Roulette – for HCL Connections

With Lunch Roulette, your employees are assigned a partner with whom they can arrange to have lunch together. Lunch Roulette is a web application that is integrated with HCL Connections Engagement Center.


OnTime® Group Calendar for HCL Connections

With the OnTime® Group Calendar for HCL Connections provide a group calendar that allows users to do skills based searching, overviews and scheduling.


Profile Extension

Profiles is one of the strong features of HCL Connections providing every employee with a place to display information, connections and skills, and enabling everybody to search for expertise within the company directory.


Project Management Office (PMO)

The Project Management Office gives users an overview of all current and upcoming projects in the company with just a few clicks. All relevant project information, such as the overview of status, contacts, budget, milestones and the next steps of the various projects are recorded.


Time Slot Finder “Doodle” for HCL Connections

Facilitate the scheduling in your company. The slot finder enables digital appointment determination for all employees. External employees can also be admitted.


UAM – User Access Manager for HCL Connections

Our User Access Manager for HCL Connections simplifies the access management for external guests and internal users.