How to modify Activities to meet Company Standards

CAT Features

Problem description

The Activities module needs to be fitted for individual company needs – upload limits, download limits, active content, scheduling tasks, etc.. For Adjusting upload file size or type restrictions, see How to change Activities file upload and type limits. For configuring Activities scheduled tasks, see How to configure and administrate the Activities scheduled tasks. To change the concurrent download limits, the active content filters, the autosave interval, or the caching of private feeds, the Connections configuration XML file ‘oa-config.xml’ needs to be edited.

Solution with Websphere Commandline Interface

Search the HCL Connections documentation for the steps to solve your problem.

  1. Start the wsadmin commandline interface as administrator. ATTENTION: All commands for the commandline interface are case sensitive!
  2. Activate the relevant Jython script.
  3. Check out the relevant HCL Connections configuration XML file.
  4. Open the HCL Connections configuration XML file and edit the parameters. ATTENTION: Make sure you don’t accidentally violate the XML schema, e.g. by forgetting to close a tag or a quotation mark.
  5. Check in the configuration file again.

Solution with Connections Administration Toolkit (CAT)

Start CAT and navigate to Administration – Activities, subsection Configure.You can see all basic editable Activities configuration properties at a single glance. Descriptions as to what exactly the properties change are included, and also fail-saves to prevent invalid values from making the configuration xml unreadable for Connections (e.g. preventing text input for parameters that allow only integer input).

After editing the parameters, a confirm pop up summarizes the changes and allows you to enter a comment. All changes, the comments, and who made them, are logged by the CAT application.

Other CAT Features