How to configure and administrate the Activities scheduled tasks

CAT Features

Problem Description

Problem 1: Certain scheduled tasks need to be performed more often / less often / at other times of the day to provide optimal performance.

Problem 2: The status of an activities scheduled task needs to be checked. Is it still running? When was it fired the last time? When will it be fired the next time?

Problem 3: One of the schedulers needs to be stopped or started manually.

Solution with Websphere Commandline Interface

Problem 1:

  1. Search the HCL Connections documentation for the steps to solve your problem.
  2. Start the wsadmin commandline interface as administrator. ATTENTION: All commands for the commandline interface are case sensitive!
  3. Activate the relevant Jython script.
  4. Check out the relevant HCL Connections configuration XML file.
  5. Open the HCL Connections configuration XML file and edit the parameters. ATTENTION: Make sure you don’t accidentally violate the XML schema, e.g. by forgetting to close a tag or a quotation mark.
  6. Check in the configuration file again.

To successfully edit the intervals in which the scheduled tasks run, a deeper knowledge of HCL's Cron Expressions is necessary.

Problems 2+3:

  1. Search the HCL Connections documentation for the steps to solve your problem.
  2. Start the wsadmin commandline interface as administrator. ATTENTION: All commands for the commandline interface are case sensitive!
  3. Activate the relevant Jython script.
  4. Perform the relevant Jython commands.

Solution with Connections Administration Toolkit (CAT)

Navigate to Administration – Activities, subsection Scheduled Tasks.

Problem 1: For every scheduled task, the adjustable parameters are shown in a tab with the task name as tab caption.

For the cron expression (the interval in which the task runs), we have designed an easy-to-use interface where you can quickly build the interval in an intuitive manner. The task in the example below will be changed from running every Saturday at 23:00 server time to running every Saturday at 22:00 server time:

After editing the parameters, a confirmation popup summarizes the changes and allows you to enter a comment. All changes, comments, and who made them, are logged by the CAT application.

Problems 2+3: You can perform the administrative functions of stopping, starting, and getting details of the scheduler with a simple click. The details are displayed for every node the task runs on:

After editing the parameters, a confirmation popup summarizes the changes and allows you to enter a comment. All changes, comments, and who made them, are logged by the CAT application.

Other CAT Features