How to copy or merge forums into a single forum

CAT Features

Problem Description

Problem 1: A topic needs to be moved to a different forum.

Problem 2: A forum needs to be imported into a community.

Solution with HCL Connections provided tools

Find an administrative Forums user

  1. Find the relevant REST requests in the HCL Connections documentation
  2. Problem 1: Find the relevant topic and forum UIDs and send the REST request
    Problem 2: Write yourself a script that first fetches the entire topics and reply content, and then posts it to the community

Solution with Connections Administration Toolkit (CAT)

Navigate to Content And Access – Forums. There, you can filter for the forums you need.
Problem 1: Select the forum that contains the topic(s) you want to move, or the topic(s) itself and click “Move Topics to Standalone Forum“. Then enter the forum name and select the topic(s) to be moved.

After editing the parameters, a confirmation popup summarizes the changes and allows you to enter a comment. All changes, comments, and who made them, are logged by the CAT application.

Problem 2: Make sure that the Community you want to copy the content to, has a forum. Use the filter to get the forums you want to merge into the community forum, plus the community forum. Select the relevant forums and click Merge Forums:

Use the ‘Show forum target hierarchy‘ and ‘Configure Originally Posted By‘ buttons to configure how the forums should be merged.

After editing the parameters, a confirmation popup summarizes the changes and allows you to enter a comment. All changes, comments, and who made them, are logged by the CAT application. In the HCL Connections UI, the result of having copied all topics of the “Off-Topic Forum” forum into the “Off-topic” forum looks like this:

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