How to configure oauth for gadgets

CAT Features

Problem Description

Problem 1: Register a new gadget binding

Problem 2: The underlying encryption method has changed. The tokens in the repository need to be purged

Solution with Websphere Commandline Interface

Search the HCL Connections documentation for the steps to solve your problem.

  1. Start the wsadmin commandline interface as administrator. ATTENTION: All commands for the commandline interface are case sensitive!
  2. Activate the relevant Jython script.
  3. Perform the relevant Jython commands.

Solution with Connections Administration Toolkit (CAT)

Navigate to Administration – OAuth, subsection OAuth Gadgets.

Problem 1: Use button “New Item”. In the resulting popup, select “Gadget Binding”

Select the widget and the client which the gadget bindings binds. Fill in the rest of the information. After editing the parameters, a confirmation popup summarizes the changes and allows you to enter a comment. All changes, comments, and who made them, are logged by the CAT application.

Problem 2: Use button “Purge All Tokens” to perform the task. A confirmation popup allows you to enter a comment. This is logged by the CAT application.

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