How to convert a Community to a Subcommunity

CAT Features

Problem Description

Problem 1: A stand-alone community needs to be moved into another community as a subcommunity

Problem 2: A subcommunity needs to be converted into a stand-alone community

Problem 3: A subcommunity needs to be moved to another community
Solution: Convert the subcommunity into a stand-alone community (i.e. Problem 2), and then convert the stand-alone community into a subcommunity of the new community (i.e. Problem 1)

ATTENTION: Both the solution without CAT and with CAT only work if the underlying Connections installation is at least 4.5.0 CR3!

Solution with Websphere Commandline Interface

Search the HCL Connections documentation for the steps to solve your problem.

  1. Start the wsadmin commandline interface as administrator. ATTENTION: All commands for the commandline interface are case sensitive!
  2. Activate the relevant Jython script.
  3. Perform the relevant Jython commands.

Solution with Connections Administration Toolkit (CAT)

Navigate to Content And Access – Communities. Use the filter to search for your stand-alone community (Problem 1) or the subcommuity (Problem 2).

View the details of the community by clicking on the magnifier icon. In the ‘Info’ tab, there is a button “Convert to Subcommunity” / “Convert to Community” which depends on whether the details item is a community or a subcommunity, respectively:

Problem 1: Use the typeahead to search for the new parent community. Select the desired community, and click ‘Continue’. A confirmation popup summarizes the changes and allows you to enter a comment. All changes, comments, and who made them, are logged by the CAT application.

Problem 2: A confirmation popup summarizes the changes and allows you to enter a comment. All changes, comments, and who made them, are logged by the CAT application.

Other CAT Features