How to administer Communities and their members

CAT Features

Problem Description

Problem 1: A user leaves the company. Ownership of the user’s communities should be transferred to their successor.

Problem 2: One or more users need to be added to one or more communities

Solution with Websphere Commandline Interface

Problems 1+2:

  1. Search the HCL Connections documentation for the steps to solve your problem.
  2. Start the wsadmin commandline interface as administrator. ATTENTION: All commands for the commandline interface are case sensitive!
  3. Activate the relevant Jython script.
  4. Perform the relevant Jython commands.

Solution with Connections Administration Toolkit (CAT)

Navigate to Content And Access – Communities.


Problem 1: Use the ‘Add Alternate Owner’ button, and follow the instructions there. In the example, ‘Karl Testmeier’ receives owner status in all communities ‘First Admin’ is owner of:


We list the communities which will be affected by the change, and give you the opportunity to keep the current owner, or replace them. A confirmation popup summarizes the changes and allows you to enter a comment. All changes, comments, and who made them, are logged by the CAT application.

Problem 2: Filter for the communities to which you would like to add more members / owners.

Then select all relevant communities, and hit the ‘Add Members’ button. Then select all members you would like to add to the selected communities, and in which role you want to add them.


A confirmation popup then summarizes the changes and allows you to enter a comment. All changes, comments, and who made them, are logged by the CAT application.

Other CAT Features